Sunday 4 January 2015

A New Beginning

Hello Everyone.

It's 4 am on a Sunday morning and I find myself unable to sleep. A few hours ago, I had unwrapped the new laptop I picked up in Muscat shortly before I left for Bangalore and stared at it for a good half hour. I had never used a Macbook before and was quite sceptical of it's ubiquitous acclaim. I would have in fact, opted for an HP or a Dell laptop if it hadn't been for the persistence of my good friends Don and Ryan who persuaded me to invest in a Macbook and promised me that I would not be disappointed. And here I am, looking at this magnificent work of art, teasing me, luring me into an almost hypnotic trance, yearning to write. Which brings me to my point. Years on since my last post, Why write again? Hasn't it been too long? Have the embers of the flame that once burned so fierce not long turned to dust? Which leads us to another question. Why did I stop? Was it because I was working over 14 hours a day post my college rendezvous? Had my love for food died an impetuous death? The true answer would be " I don't know". I was certainly hard strung for time but would like to refrain from using that as an excuse because I have always believed that you can and should always make time for the people and activities that you love. Now that I have confronted the ambiguity that engulfed my hiatus, I would like to reiterate that my Love for Food has only increased multifold. I have continued to explore the vast depths of gastronomy that inspire and invoke True Bliss. And my Gastronomical Adventures would be incomplete unless I shared it with you. And with the New year beckoning, I thought, why waste yet another resolution on promising to shed the extra pounds and hit the gym. So for anyone, and everyone who loves to eat and reads this blog, Be Prepared to lick your lips. For those Insatiable Midnight cravings are back, Bigger and Better than ever. Here's wishing all of you a Lip smacking, Heart stopping, Jaw dropping, Meat craving, Delightful 2015 :) Oh boy, It's going to be a great year ahead. Cheers :)

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