Wednesday 23 November 2011

Brittos on Baga - "Smitten by The Sea"

My First Trip to Goa was preceded by Expectations of the Highest Level. Never before had I anticipated a trip so much and I was in Sheer Disbelief that after hearing People Rave about how Insanely Beautiful Goa is, for months, I was finally about to experience Paradise for myself! A few words about Goa... It is a tribute to Nature, A Cultural and Natural Paradise.....In other words, Heaven on Earth in every sense of being! A trip to Goa is Surreal and will blow your mind away! But apart from the Beaches and its Majestic Grandeur,  There was another reason I loved Goa. Its Magnificent FOOOOD! Goa is the Ultimate Foodie Destination with Menus that Dreams are made of ! And like my good friend Varun likes to remind me...I turned into a Mean Food Machine! Consuming Plate after Plate of Calamari and Nutella Pancakes and Achieving Legendary food feats, otherwise only observed on Man vs Food!....Readers Beware.....and Do Prepare for Epic Meal Time!

Brittos is a Symbol of Excellence! It portrays King sized food making at its Best! Brittos brings out the warmth and spirit of the Lovely People of Goa in their dishes. Their Portions are large and the beachside ambiance is to Die for. We ordered a Sea food Platter and a Non veg Platter and the mere sight of it was enough to give Varun a Foo-gasm! :P We were served with the most incredibly delicious, colourful, and mouth watering variety of every kind of marine animal you can imagine! Their Stuffed crab, mussels and prawn cocktail was special and left us with a craving that none have managed to sattisfy till date! A Must Visit if you happen to go to Goa! Cheers :D

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